Employer Confidential Evaluation Form

This Evaluation Form provides Workforce Development with a basis for collecting and analysing t information about the Workforce Development courses which we offer, and contributes to the continuous improvement processes.

Not ApplicableStrongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
In your opinion were assessment guidelines clearly outlined
In your opinion were assessment tasks linked to the course content
Do you believe the trainee had enough time to practice their skills before assessment
In your opinion was sufficient time allowed for each assessment
I was able to access feedback about my trainees progress throughout the course
Assessments have been relevant to the workplace and have caused little interruption
Not ApplicableStrongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
Adequate resources were made available for the trainee
Text books and / or online learning resources were useful, up to date and relevant
Learning resources were easy for trainee to understand
Not ApplicableStrongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
In your opinion was the assessor well organised and prepared
In your opinion did the assessor have a good understanding of the course/subject
In your opinion did the assessor present the course material clearly
In your opinion did the assessor arrange learning support for the trainee if needed
The assessor allowed opportunities for questions
Not ApplicableStrongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
This course will be useful to the trainee in the future
I would recommend this course to other trainees
In relation to the program our Workforce development contact has provided advice and assistance when we needed it
Overall I have been pleased with the level of service provided by Workforce Development
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